Our mission

From June 2024 to June 2025, we are going to organize and advocate to build a viable organization by recruiting drag artists and supporters.

Our advocacy has to be fast, because people’s lives and livelihoods are at stake. But our organizing will be slow. One conversation at a time. We’re building a constituency that crosses geography, identity and opinions. Not everyone will agree on all points, but that’s ok. We want to build as many relationships as possible on the front end.

It’ll take time, but it’ll be worth it.

We’re just getting started.

Will you join us?

Want to learn more about our mission? Read the Call for Qo-Founders we published on May 29, 2024.

fight back against hate

Respond to violence, threats, doxxing, and harassment.

Provide legal aid, therapy, and community and advocacy support to artists targeted for hate.

get those coins

Help artists get what they deserve from venues and navigate the business of drag.

protect and celebrate self expression

Protect the right to perform and to be our incredible selves in any community.


  • What is Qommittee?

    Qommittee is a year-long national drive to build a network of drag artists, fans and allies to help drag artists respond to hate and navigate the business of their art.

    From June 2024 to June 2025, a group of organizers and drag artists are embarking on a national membership drive to recruit enough drag artists and members to establish a viable national organization and do some important work in the meantime.

    Want to learn more about our mission? Read the Call for Qo-Founders we published on May 29, 2024.

  • How does this work?

    In order to build a real representative organization, Qommittee needs to recruit Qo-Founders. How many? Thousands.

    From June 2024 to 2025, we’re working to recruit:

    • 1,000 diverse, nationally representative drag artists to declare their support, fill out a survey outlining their needs and sharing their stories, and recruiting their community to join.

    • 1,000 small-dollar recurring donors to create a sustainable budget to do the work.

    • Volunteers to assist with outreach and organizing and pro bono professionals to provide legal assistance, therapy and security.

    Along the way, we’re going to try to assist drag artists with limited capacity, recruit a powerhouse board of directors and build out a real institution.

  • Who are you?

    Qommittee is being operated by a few volunteers, with leadership from:

  • Are contributions Tax-deductible?

    Currently, Qommittee is a 501(c)(4) organization, and donations are not tax-deductible.

    We are working to establish a 501(c)(3) .

  • i have other questions.

    Sounds great, gorgeous. Please reach out at the form below, via Email, or DMs on Instagram.

    Email: DragisJoy@Qommittee.org

    DM: https://www.instagram.com/qommittee

  • I'm a drag artist and need help

    Contact us ASAP. We have limited capacity but can likely assist and advise and try to help.

    Email: DragisJoy@Qommittee.org

    DM: https://www.instagram.com/qommittee

  • What's with the name?

    Our name reflects our base mission - joining together individuals across identities and places into one — a committee.

    We’re pronounced exactly the same as the word “committee,” but we spell it with a “Q.”

    That “Q” is a nod to queerness. Plus, it’s Qute.